Originaler bemalter Rettungsring der Esso Hamburg.

Die Esso Deutschland war ein Rohöltanker der Esso Tankschiff Reederei in Hamburg. Sie war von 1976 bis zum Verkauf im Jahr 1985 das größte Handelsschiff unter deutscher Flagge.
Quelle: Wikipedia. Hier gehts's zum Artikel
Quelle: Wikipedia. Hier gehts's zum Artikel
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Original painted 'Esso Hamburg' lifebuoy. The Esso Germany was an oil tanker owned by the Esso tanker shipping company in Hamburg. From 1976 until it was sold in 1985, it was the largest merchant ship flying the German flag.
Source: Wikipedia. Click here for the article
And here are some pictures of the ship and other exciting information: Go to Article:
Source: Wikipedia. Click here for the article
And here are some pictures of the ship and other exciting information: Go to Article: